the national center for state and tribal elder justice coalitions (ncstejc)

Please visit the Center’s website for more information:

Thank you to all who submitted applications for the recent NCSTEJC funding opportunity.

Congratulations to the eight grantees: California Elder Justice Coalition; Colorado Older Adults Financial Justice Coalition; Maine Elder Justice Coalition; Missouri Coalition for Justice for Elder and Disabled Adults; Rhode Island Coalition for Elder Justice; Texas Elder Justice Coalition; Tribal Elder Justice Coalition - The Web; Wisconsin Elder Justice Coalition
Link to NCSTEJC 2023 Grantees web page.


For additional reference: In 2018, a conversation sparked interest in developing a way to advance state coalition efforts to stop elder abuse and promote elder justice through (1) helping statewide coalitions attain common goals, (2) sharing innovative models and strategic approaches, (3) generating networking opportunities, (4) assisting new multidisciplinary projects to develop coalitions. After many months of planning, the first meeting of the National Network of State Elder Justice Coalitions (NNSEJC) was held in July 2019. There are currently 16 coalition members representing 15 states - link to a document with map and list of current members (may require two steps to open the Word document). Please visit the NNSEJC web page for more information.

The National Center for State and Tribal Elder Justice Coalitions (NCSTEJC) was launched in Oct 2022 as a consortium of key organizations in the elder justice field. Lifespan of Greater Rochester responded to a Request for Proposals issued by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) to establish a program to provide training, technical assistance, and develop resources for new statewide and tribal elder justice coalitions and support the operation of existing coalitions. Funding through the federal solicitation also provides for a limited number of grants to be awarded to establish new coalitions or enhance the work of existing groups.

Lifespan was awarded a cooperative agreement by OVC and serves as administrator of the funds and coordinator of the National Center. The Center consists of a consortium of partners with experience in the elder justice field and proven capability to support elder justice coalitions in their development: Lifespan in New York State; Ohio Coalition for Adult Protective Services; Minnesota Elder Justice Center; Jacque Gray, PhD (Native American Specialist); and New York City Elder Abuse Center. The consortium partners will work in collaboration with OVC and other federal agency partners to support state and tribal coalitions in representing the elder justice needs and concerns of older adults in their communities.