Recordings & WEAAD

Recordings or Related Materials

UpEAC at Lifespan Webinar
Financial Decision Making in Older Age
Presented by Dr. Duke Han, Univ. of Southern Calif.
Recording may be available soon
Han Research Lab
Dr. Han’s bio

NCEA and Elder Justice Coalition Fireside Chat Webinar
Thurs, July 11; 1:00 pm ET
Join Bob Blancato, Kathy Greenlee, and Laura Borth to hear about the current landscape for elder justice policy, new federal APS regs, updates on Elder Justice Act reauthorization, and more.
Recording may be available soon

OVC Training & Technical Assistance Center
Elder Abuse Multidisciplinary Team Coordinator Training Webinar
Mon, June 24; 12:00 - 3:00 pm ET
Speakers: Lisa Furr & Talitha Guinn-Shaver
Details & Registration - recording & PowerPoint will be available

Adult Protective Services: The What, Why, and How
Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging & Elder Justice Coalition Webinar.
Speakers: Bob Blancato, Jennifer Spoeri, Heidi Turner-Stone
Thurs, Dec 7, 2023; 1:00-2 pm ET
Will cover issues related to state & federal funding and APS services.
Link to the recording

NAPSA R2P Webinar - Plus
Measuring Outcomes of an APS-Geriatrics Collaboration - Virtual Capacity Evaluations
Presenter: Dr. Ronan Factora
Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 2:00 pm ET
Information & Registration
Will be recorded and available on the NAPSA R2P web page. The APS Administrative Data Initiative (AADI) information & 2023 Report is also available using this link.

National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL)
Webinar Details & Registration - Strategies for Identifying, Reaching & Effectively Serving Older Survivors in Rural Communities
Tues, Oct 10, 2023; 2 - 3 pm ET
Presenters: Martie Washington (NCALL); Margaret Carson (WA); Patricia Davenport (MS); Sue Frawley (NYS)
Webinar will be recorded & on NCALL’s website after Oct 10. Rural Toolkit will be available soon.

Webinar Series Details & Registration
Abuse in Later Life for Civil Attorneys & Legal Advocates
2:00 - 3:30 pm ET - Wed, Sept 13 & 27; Wed, Oct 11 & 25; Wed, Nov 8

New Resource - Collaborating for Justice for Older African Americans

APS TARC Podcasts
Jennifer Spoeri, Executive Director of NAPSA and TARC Subject Matter Expert, and guests.
Links to all the podcasts & transcripts

NCEA Webinar
Person-Centered Approaches to Elder Abuse Interventions
Link to recording, slides, tip sheet

Lifespan and Trillium Health Webinar
Improving Cultural Humility: LGBTQ+
Link to webinar recording

ACL’s National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center (NADRC) Webinar Series
Link to NADRC website
Links to all free recorded webinars

NCALL & SPARC Stalking Awareness Month Webinar
Stalking and Older Adults + Ask the Experts
Examines stalking in the context of elder abuse - its prevalence, dynamics, implications, and resources available for survivors.
Presenters: Ann Laatsch and Dana Fleitman
Webinar recording
PowerPoint slides
Stalking in Later Life resource sheet

ACL & Elder Justice Resource Centers Hosted Webinar
Money Mule Scams: Tips for Prevention, Identification, and Trauma-Informed Assistance
Speakers: Hilary Dalin; Jacqueline Blaesi-Freed; Sarah Galvan; Jane Handley
View webinar recording
Webinar slides
Read about the ACL Elder Justice Resource Centers

DOJ Elder Justice Initiative virtual Symposium - April 2022
Role of Decision-Making Capacity in Elder Justice Cases that Reach Civil & Criminal Courts - Symposium website for details and links to resources & recordings.

National Center for Victims of Crime and FINRA Webinar
Financial Fraud, Abuse, and Neglect: Serving Older Victims of Crime
Speakers: Rachel Gibson; Liz Loewy; Rob Mascio; Sydney Palinkas
View webinar recording
Eval form for after watching video
Links to Victim Recovery Checklists
Taking Action: Guide to Assisting Victims of Financial Fraud
Speaker contact & Resource List
Q & A follow-up

Fireside Chat on Elder Justice Policy with Laura Mosqueda & Bob Blancato
Wed, July 27 - Watch the recorded program
Discussion includes federal elder justice policy, future of EJA reauthorization, funding for elder justice programs, nursing home regulations, and more.

NAPSA R2P Webinar
High Prevalence of Elder Abuse during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Risk and Resilience Factors
Presenter: E-Shien Chang
Full text of study article
Webinar flyer with details
Link to webinar slides & recording, other previous recordings, and briefs

NAPSA Listening Sessions
Opportunity to contribute your input to the development of an enhanced APS workforce.
Tues, Mar 8; 3:00 - 4:30 pm ET; Thurs, Mar 10; 12:00 - 1:30 pm ET
Focus group option also available.
Flyer with details - will be recorded

NAPSA APS Advocacy for Legislation and Funding Webinar
Learn about the current landscape of legislation impacting APS and what you can do to advocate for resources.
Presenters: Iris Freeman; Kendra Kuehn
Flyer - recording will be available

Fordham Neuroscience & Law Center Webinar
Dementia & the Law
Recording will be available.
Neuroscience & Law Center website
Event webpage for program details

Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging and Elder Justice Coalition Webinar
Elder Justice Innovations: Helping Individuals Transition from APS to other Community-Based Supports
Link to Jan 26, 2022 recorded webinar and PowerPoint slides
2021 Elder Justice Innovation Grantees discuss their work focused on various community services that help individuals transition from short-term APS programs to community services to prevent recurrence of abuse.

Upstate Elder Abuse Center at Lifespan Lunch & Lean Webinar
What to Do When There’s Resistance to Elder Abuse/Mistreatment Interventions
Link to copy of PowerPoint
Link to copy of previous program PowerPoint

NAPSA Research to Practice (R2P) Webinar & Brief
Using Standardized Measures for Adult Protective Services (APS) Outcomes Assessment
Presenters: Pi-Ju (Marian) Liu; Kendon Conrad; Sara Stratton
Link to flyer
Link to webinar
Link to brief
For list of other recorded R2P webinars and briefs

2021 NYS Adult Abuse Training Institute (AATI)
It Happened! What’s Next?: Navigating..Reconnecting..Rethinking..Solutions
2021 AATI Workshop Materials

Syracuse Area 24th Annual Elder Abuse Conference: Evolving Interventions and Resources
Video webinars & PowerPoints presented during the 2021 Elder Abuse Conference sessions are now available.
Links to all 9 programs
Links to previous conference videos and reference materials.

7th Annual WEAAD Global Summit convened by NAPSA & INPEA on Mon, June 14, 2021, 11:30 am - 4:30 pm ET.
Program - agenda, event partners, and other information.
Session details, Speaker bios - recording is now available on NAPSA’s website

Justice Clearinghouse Webinar
How Does Elder Abuse Impact Latinx Communities?
Presenters from NCEA: Alycia Cisneros; Alexis Calleros; Eden Ruiz-Lopez
Tues, Jul 27, 2021 - Program details, handouts, other programs

US DOJ Elder Justice Initiative Webinar
Thurs, Mar 4, 2021; 2-3:00 pm ET
Programs for Older Adults Who Have Experienced Financial Exploitation
Speakers: Debbie Deem; Christine Kenny; Jennifer Mays
Program details - the program will be recorded

NAPSA | NCCD Research-to-Practice (R2P) - Webinars & Related Briefs
Feb 3
, 2021 program recording
Elder Abuse & Its Consequences: Findings from Waves I and II of the National Elder Mistreatment Study
Links to previous recordings & slides
Links to previous one-page briefs
Link to join the R2P Listserv

Elder Justice Coalition Webinar - Elder Justice Funding: Current Status and the Road Ahead
Tues, Feb 9, 2021 - Information & registration - program will be recorded
Speakers: Bill Benson, Bob Blancato, Hilary Dalin, Amy Hall, Edwin Walker

JASA Elder Justice Training Institute Webinar Series
Tues, March 16, 2021
Working with Service Providers to Improve Elder Justice Services to the LGBT Community, Part II
Tues, Feb 23, 2021
Increasing Access to Healing Services & Just Outcomes for Older African American Victims of Crime & Abuse
Tues, Dec 15, 2020
Physical Health/Mental Health Perspectives on Elder Abuse: Successful Engagement & Intervention Strategies During COVID-19
Tues, Nov 17, 2020
Elder Abuse 101
CEU and CLE credits available
Details & registration for all 5 programs

Elder Justice Initiative Webinar
Big Challenges, Big Rewards: Overcoming Obstacles to Elder Abuse Prosecutions
Speakers: Arlene Markarian, Nassau Co DA’s Office; Amy Mix, DC AG’s Office; Jennifer Mika, DC AG’s Office
Thurs, Oct 22, 2020 - program will also be recorded
Program topics & details

NYSOFA Facebook live event
Celebration of International Older Persons Day & a surprise tribute to the winner of the 1st Annual Arthur Mason Advocacy Award.
Thurs, Oct 1, 2020 - also recorded for future viewing
Link to NYSOFA’s FaceBook page

Family & Children’s Association Elder Abuse Awareness & Prevention Virtual Conference
Break the Silence. Raise Awareness.
A Program for Seniors, Community Members & Professionals
Wed, Sept 16; 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Flyer listing all presentations and speakers
This program will be recorded
Link to register

JASA Elder Justice Training Institute Free Summer Webinar Series
Tues, Sept 15, 2020; 10 am - 12 pm
Effective Client-Centered Work with Older Adults Involved in the Criminal Justice System - (This program was be recorded)
Presenters: Joseph Alohan, NYPD; Maureen Curtis, Safe Horizon; Jennifer DeCarli, NYC Mayor’s Office to End Domestic & Gender-Based Violence
CEU and CLE credits
Details & registration

Arizona WEAAD Virtual Conference
Nov 9 & 10
, 2020; 9 am - 4 pm MST
Details, schedule & registration
Register by Nov 5.
Keynote speakers: Bob Blancato and Kathy Greenlee
tracks; 25 breakout sessions with live speaker Q & A; access to on-demand sessions for 1 month after conference.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2020 - Building Strong Support for Elders (WEAAD)
Promoting a better understanding of abuse and neglect of older persons by raising awareness of the cultural, social, economic, and demographic circumstances affecting elder abuse and neglect.
New York State WEAAD video message - NYS Office for the Aging Director Greg Olsen talking about the significance of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day & NYS’s efforts to ensure older adults who may feel isolated due to COVID-19 pandemic are protected.

NAPSA & NCVC WEAAD 6th Global Summit - virtual event open to all
Wed, June 10, 2020
11:30 am - 4:00 pm ET
Agenda, event recording & other details
April 2020 Final Report - National Guidelines for Financial Institutions: Working Together to Protect Older Persons from Financial Abuse

U.S. DOJ Elder Justice Initiative Webinar on National Network of State Elder Justice Coalitions (NNSEJC)
State Elder Justice Coalitions: Informing Services and Influencing Public Policy
Tues, June 2, 2020; was recorded & will be available on DOJ EJI website below.
For details
Related article for reference
DOJ Elder Justice Initiative website
Presenters: Georgia Anetzberger, Risa Breckman, Paul Caccamise, Iris Freeman, Lisa Nerenberg

NYS Assemblymember Harry Bronson, Chair of the Assembly Aging Committee
Wed, May 20, 2020 at 5:30 pm
Facebook Live Briefing interview with Ann Marie Cook, President/CEO of Lifespan. Recorded program will also be available for future viewing, along with other past briefing interview videos of interest to aging services providers.

Lifespan and Out Alliance
Free Online Training with SW CEU
Improving Care Responses to LGBTQ+ Survivors of Elder Abuse by Understanding Historical Context
Wed, May 20, 2020; 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm
Speakers: Karen Hagberg, Kayden Miller, Tracey Siebert-Konopko
Flyer with details & registration

NYSCADV 2019 Legislative Updates webinar
Same content for both sessions. Please register for only one session.
Wed, Dec 4, 2019; 10 am -12 pm or Thurs, Dec 5, 2019; 2 pm - 4 pm
Details for both, registration for Dec 4
Registration form for Dec 5
Webinar recordings are available

U.S. House of Representatives Ways & Means Committee Hearing - Caring for Aging Americans
Thurs, Nov 14, 2019
Recording & oral testimony
Press release & details for submitting additional written comments - deadline Fri, Nov 29, 2019
Testimony from Bob Blancato, National Coordinator, Elder Justice Coalition

World Elder Abuse Awareness
Continue your collaborative efforts, working together on ways to shine a light on elder abuse during the month of June. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) - Lifting Up Voices 2019.
WEAAD Tools & Tips - many ideas, many resources, check often.
Link to The International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) website.

Lifting Up Voices Webinar
Wed, June 5, 2019 - Program details & registration - will also be recorded
Includes unveiling & discussion of new Lifting Up the Voices of Older Survivors video project.

5th Global Summit, 15th Anniversary of WEAAD
Tues, June 11, 2019, SEC Building, Washington, DC
Program Recording

ID Theft Webinar from CEJC
State ID Theft Coalitions: Stolen Identities and Beyond
Wed, May 22, 2019 - Recording will be available - details & registration
Panelists: Paul Caccamise (Lifespan - NYS); Sarah Geotz (NITVAN); Hazel Heckers (Colorado); Leita King (Lifespan); Mila Mignosa (Massachusetts)

Webinar from the CFPB’s Office for Older Americans
Tues, April 9, 2019
Webinar slides
Webinar recording
Discussing the findings from the new report, Suspicious Activity Reports on Elder Financial Exploitation: Issues and Trends.
Summary of the report
Full report
For questions or additional information, contact Tami Sieckman at

National Elder Justice Advocates Academy Webinar recording
In Conversation with Bill Benson: The State of Elder Justice
Webinar Recording

Alzheimer’s Webinar series
Webinar 1
- Alzheimer’s Facts, Figures and Resources: Connecting people to the help they need - Thurs, Apr 25
Webinar 2 - Alzheimer’s and Brain Health: What you should know and what you can do - Thurs, May 9
Register for one or both
2019 Facts & Figures Report

National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW)
Honoring Our Past. Creating Hope for the Future.
Celebrate the progress achieved; look to a future of crime victim services even more inclusive, accessible, and trauma-informed.
Check the OVC website for information and resources. Join with others to raise awareness of all victims’ rights & services in April.

Elder Justice Coordinating Council
Members include leaders of federal departments, agencies and entities administering programs related to abuse, neglect or financial exploitation.
Council meeting recordings and related documents from 2012 - 2018. Dec 6, 2018 meeting recording is available.
Watch full video of June 5, 2018 morning & afternoon sessions
Morning:  Elder Justice Coordinating Council Spring Meeting
Meeting details
Afternoon:  International & National Initiatives Updates

Celebrating 2018 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Webinar
New recording of June 7, 2018 webinar
Lively, international conversation with Bonnie Brandl (United States), Jane Mears (Australia), Bridget Penhale (England), Laura Tamblyn Watts (Canada)
Presented by: National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL) and Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP)
For webinar recording, PowerPoint & other related information

NCALL & National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit Webinar
Protection Orders and Older Victims: A Survivor-Centered Approach
Thurs, June 28, 2018
Learn how you can better support an older survivor before, during, and after the court process.
Webinar overview, presenters, and registration
Battered Women's Justice Project Website


2024 world elder abuse awareness activities

Arlene Markarian Receives 2024 Art Mason Advocacy Award
Congratulations, Arlene! A very well-deserved recognition.
Watch June 15 surprise event

National Assoc. of Social Workers
WEAAD 2024: How Can I Get Involved, and How Is NASW Working to Address Elder Abuse?
Check out Tips & Tools for Social Workers - lots of info & resource links

Sample of WEAAD activity ideas from previous years.

National Information & Resources
ACL/NCEA National WEAAD website

2023 weaad activities

2023 National website with tools & tips, take action ideas, WEAAD week, plus much more.

2023 NYS OFA & OCFS Adult Services WEAAD Press Toolkit.
WEAAD support letter from NYS Committee for Coordination of Police Services to Elderly Persons.

LIVE with Greg: Recognizing WEAAD
A conversation with NYSOFA Director Greg Olsen and guest experts Shelly Aubertine-Fiebich, Ann Marie Cook, and Tina Janssen-Spinosa discussing ways to recognize signs of abuse, its prevalence, and resources for getting help. Link to the recording
Congratulations to Ann Marie Cook on receiving the 2023 Art Mason Award for Elder Justice. Watch the video.

United Nations 2023 WEAAD
Closing the Circle: Addressing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Older Age Policy, Law and Evidence-based Responses
Link to live & recorded program; UN website; Event details

Upstate Elder Abuse Center at Lifespan (UpEAC) Webinar
Elder Abuse 101: Helping older adults stay safe from elder abuse is on all of us
Virtual training open to anyone working with older adults.
Recording link
Passcode: D3fH%!2t

Federal Elder Justice Coordinating Council Meetings
Link to meetings webpage, including June 8, 2023 meeting.

NAPSA & SIFMA WEAAD 9th Global Summit
Successfully Fighting Financial Exploitation through Partnerships
Speakers include government officials & industry leaders.
Link to recording of the event
Link to new prevention tools

Tues, June 13; 8 am - 4 pm
Syracuse/Central NY Elder Justice Coalition
Annual Elder Abuse Conference
The Future Direction of Elder Justice: Advocacy, Equity, Inclusion
Variety of workshops; collaborative plenary; keynote speaker, Joseph Applebaum
Program details

Wed, June 14; 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
New York City Elder Justice Virtual Summit
Older and Wiser: Shaping the Future of Elder Justice
8 facilitated breakout session discussion topics; keynote speakers, Katie Block and Christina Peoples
Program details

Wed, June 14
(was recorded)
Crime Victims Legal Network, Empire Justice Center Webinar
Elder Abuse Remedies: Combating Financial Exploitation and Ousting the Abusive Caretaker
Sarah Duval & Jeff Nieznanski

Thurs, June 15; 8:45 am - 3:00 pm
Upstate Elder Abuse Center at Lifespan WEAAD Conference
SEX ED doesn’t end in HIGH SCHOOL: Sexual wellness and risk for abuse among older adults
Professional training in Rochester with lunch & CEUs, limited space, registration required.
Agenda & presenting agencies

Thurs, June 15; 9:45-11:00 am
Saratoga Senior Center
Financial Exploitation & Scams WEAAD Presentation with Q & A
Panel: Phil Vacca; US Attorney’s Office; DV Advocacy of Mechanicville

Thurs, June 15; 10:00-11:00 am
(possibly recorded)
Senior Law Day Collaborative & Westchester Dept. of Senior Programs & Services Webinar
Myths & Realities of Asking for Help
Nicolle Brunalle (Family Services), Christine Hatfield (DA’s Office), Roberta Goodman (Pace Women’s Justice Center), Pat Grasse (APS)

Thurs, June 15; 11:00 am-12:00 pm
Carter Burden Network & NYPD Community Affairs Officers
WEAAD Presentation - in person at 1 location, virtual at 3 others
Flyer with details

Thurs, June 15; 12:45 - 3:45 pm
Metro Justice Elder Justice Committee WEAAD Forum
Protecting Vulnerable Adults at Home and in Long-Term Care
Brighton Town Park
Details & registration

Thurs, June 15; 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Ulster County Older Adults Empowerment Council
(possibly recorded)
Is Anyone There? Older Adults & Social Isolation: How Having a Community & Social Connections Can Help Prevent Fraud & Abuse
Hybrid event - partnerships with libraries & community centers, or by connecting directly from anywhere. Open to the public.

Thurs, June 15; 2:00 - 3:00 pm
Elder Justice Coalition WEAAD Briefing Event
(possibly recorded)
Elder Justice in the United States
Speakers: Bob Blancato, Bill Benson, Andrew McPherson

Thurs, June 15; 2:00-3:30 pm
Rockland County WEAAD Forum
6 panelists covering issues related to identifying, preventing, and stopping all forms of abuse.
Flyer with location & registration
Detailed agenda

Thurs, June 15; 2:30 pm
Trauma-Informed Practices to Address Abuse and Build Resilience
(possibly recorded)
Speakers: Laura Mosqueda, Sherrill Wayland, Donna Benton, Lauren Pongan, Elizabeth Avent, Lori Smetanka

Allegany Co. Office for the Aging & VA Finger Lakes Healthcare Systems Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program
Allegany County Elder Abuse Prevention Conference
Fri, June 30; 9:30 am - 2:00 pm
Belmont, NY
12 small group presentation options, plus tabling events with local agencies
Flyer with details & registration

NYS OPDV Webinar Series in Recognition of Pride Month
LGBTQI+ Communities & Engagement Series
4 interactive webinars for professionals providing a foundation for understanding the impact of gender-based violence, including for older adults.
June 8, 15, 22, 29 at 12:00 pm ET
(possibly recorded)

Previous WEAAD activities around New York State

Highlights of 2022 WEAAD Activities throughout New York State, including photos & links.

Please go to Archive page for some of the 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022 WEAAD activities.